Litsun Energy offers wide range of Off grid / On grid / Grid tied Power Packs from small to large capacity to suit to demands of various customers including Roof Top Power pack solutions.

An Off Grid Solar System (Standalone) is Obvious alternative to one that is Grid tie . To Ensure access Electricity at all times offgrid solar system required battery storage.  

Gridtied / On Grid refers to solar power pack system that is connected to grid supply.when energy demand by load is more than generation in solar system  it takes from grid supply and when energy is access then feed to grid via grid tie inverter.

Grid Tie with battery backup is if you would like to have power even when power from utility is doawn. Adding battery to the grid tie system can provide hrs of electricity to crucial lighting in event of blackout.In this battery is charged and keep power all time alive.

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Solar Off Grid Power Packs (SOGPP)

Litsun Energy Provide  wide range of Solution in Off grid solar Power Packs  from 240 W to 10 KW  that is demands of  every customers. Its available with hybrid option so charge the battery from grid also.We have standard model and also We will provide customized solution for  solar power pack system as per requirement.


Solar Grid Tied Power Packs (SGTPP)

Litsun Energy Provide  wide range of Solar Grid Tied Power Packs  without battery backup from 3 KWp to 100 KWp. Grid Tied power system is combine with the grid supply.when solar power generation is lower than load demand its consume from grid supply and when access its fed to grid supply.


Solar Grid Tied Power Packs With Battery Backup (SGTPPB)

Litsun Energy Provide various range of Solar Grid Tied Power Packs with  battery backup from 3 KWp to 100 KWp. In this type of power pack system battery is charge and provide backup when grid fails or blackout.


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Litsun Energy Solutions LLP
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